As per the latest information from Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB), the result of Science Faculty is going to be published today (28th August 2015). Result is said to be published today afternoon.

Result can be viewed from the link below as quickly as it is made available to the server.

SMS Gateway : 
Type HSEB <space> Symbol-No and send it to 5001.

SMS Powered by Sparrow SMS 


Best Wishes ! 
Thank You  !
Office of Controller of Examination, Sanothimi Bhaktapur has already flashed out the result of SLC examination 2071. The overall statistics of SLC Examination 2071 Result is shown in the image below :
SLC Result 2072 is out !

Click the link given below to view your result with marks !

Best Wishes !

Gaindakot Namuna Higher Secondary School !

जेष्ठ ३१,परीक्षा नियन्त्रण कार्यालय सानोठिमीले २०७१ सालको प्रवेशिका परीक्षाको नतिजा सार्वजनिक गर्ने तयारी अन्तिम चरणमा पुगेको बताएको छ । गत वर्ष जेठ ३० गते प्रवेशिका परीक्षाको नतिजा सार्वजनिक गरेको कार्यालयले यस वर्ष वैशाख १२ गतेको भूकम्प र पराकम्पनका कारण प्राविधिक समस्या आएकाले परीक्षाफल सार्वजनिक गर्न केही दिन ढिलो हुने जनाएको हो । कार्यालयले यस वर्ष ढिलोमा असारको पहिलो सातासम्ममा नतिजा सार्वजनिक गर्ने गरी अन्तिम तयारीमा लागेको छ । परीक्षा नियन्त्रक विष्णुबहादुर द्वारेले ढिलोमा असारको पहिलो सातासम्ममा नतिजा सार्वजनिक गर्नेगरी अन्तिम तयारीमा लागेको बताउनुभयो । अति गोप्य कामहरु भइरहेको जानकारी दिँदै द्वारेले यी काम सकिएलगत्तै परीक्षाफल सार्वजनिक गर्ने जानकारी दिनुभयो  । परीक्षा गत चैत ५ गतेदेखि १३ गतेसम्म सञ्चालन भएको थियो । यस वर्षदेखि सुरु भएको प्राविधिकतर्फको प्रवेशिकाको नतिजा असारको दोस्रो सातामात्र सार्वजनिक हुने भएको छ । प्राविधिक विषयको ९९ विद्यालयको नतिजा भने ग्रेडिङ सिस्टममा प्रकाशित गर्ने भएकाले एकसाता ढिलो हुने भएको उहाँको भनाइ छ ।

यस वर्षको परीक्षामा कूल पाँच लाख ७४ हजार ६ सय ८५ जना परीक्षार्थी सहभागी भएका छन् जसमा नियमिततर्फ  दुई लाख १२ हजार ५ सय ४ जना छात्र र  २ लाख १३ हजार ७ सय १० छात्रा गरी कूल ४ लाख २६ हजार २ सय १४ जना तथा एक्जाम्टेडतर्फ  ५९ हजार २ सय ५३ जना छात्र र ८५ हजार ९ सय ३० जना छात्रा गरी कूल १ लाख ४५ हजार १ सय ८३ जना परीक्षार्थी सहभागी भएका थिए । यसवर्षबाट सुरु गरिएको प्राविधिकतर्फ भने २ हजार ३७ जना छात्र  र १ हजार २ सय ५१ जना छात्रा गरी ३ हजार २ सय ८८ जना परीक्षामा सहभागी भएका छन् ।
Result of SLC Examination held on 2071 will be published lately by the second week of Ashad. If everything goes well, the result will be published within the first week of Ashad.

As per the latest information from Office of Controller of Examination, the compilation work is on progress. After, re-checking the databases the result will be published. The work may take around a week. Lately, the in the beginning of second week of Ashad the result will be on the hand of every SLC examinee.

We will keep up up-to-date about the SMS gateway to get the result as quickly as it is possilble.

Stay in Touch ! Thank You !

P.S. You can BOOKMARK the link below to find the result as soon as it is published.
HSEB, today, has published the finally revised schedule of Grade 12 and Grade 11 examination for the less affected areas. The regular examination of HSEB was postponed due to massive disaster in the entire nation taking lives of thousands people and making lakhs of people homeless. 

As per the official notice, the examination of Grade 12 will commence from Jestha 20 2072, and that of Grade 11 will start from Ashad 1 2072. The routine given below is applicable only for the less affected areas, however HSEB will publish new routines and dates for Sindhupalchowk, Gorkha, Dhading, Nuwakot, Kavre, Dolakha and Ramechhap. 

Click On the Image below to magnify !

HSEB has published the final schedule of Grade 11 and Grade 12 examination 2072 which was postponed due to massive earthquake in the entire nation.

According to the notice published by the officials,  examination of grade 12 will start from Jestha 20 and that of grade 11 will begin from Ashad 1.

In previous notice, it was notified all the students that the final notice of the examination will have 15 days gap before the first examination.

It is still uncertain about the examination schedule for HSEB Examination 2072. The Schedule published earlier has been dismissed due to massive earthquake. The Earthquake has led to the destruction of hundreds of Higher Secondary School in the affected area. So, the conduction of examination is seemed to be difficult due to the damaged structure of major schools. 

In the meantime, HSEB has published the urgent notice regarding the examination schedule. 

In the notice published from HSEB, it is clearly mentioned that the coming notice regarding the exam schedule will have the time gap of 15 days before the commencement of exam. i.e. the student will get 15 days gap before the first examination from the date of upcoming notice. 

Below is the softcopy of Official Notice from HSEB.